The flow rate of a hydraulic pump, including the A10VSO31 Series Pump, is directly influenced by the pump speed. The relationship between pump speed and flow rate is described by the pump’s displacement, which is a key parameter in hydraulic systems.

The general relationship can be expressed by the following formula:



  • is the flow rate (volume of fluid per unit of time),
  • is the pump displacement per revolution or stroke (volume of fluid displaced by the pump in one complete revolution or stroke),
  • is the pump speed (number of revolutions or strokes per unit of time).

In the case of the A10VSO31 Series Pump:

  • Displacement (): The displacement value is a specific parameter associated with the pump and is typically provided by the pump manufacturer. It represents the volume of fluid displaced by the pump in one revolution or stroke.
  • Speed (): The speed is the rotational speed of the pump, measured in revolutions per minute (RPM) or strokes per minute, A10VSO31 Series Pump manufacturer  depending on the pump type.
  • Flow Rate (): The flow rate is the amount of hydraulic fluid delivered by the pump per unit of time, expressed in cubic units per unit of time (e.g., cubic inches per minute or liters per minute).

Impact of Pump Speed on Flow Rate:

  1. Increasing Speed:
    • When the pump speed () increases, the flow rate () also increases proportionally. This is because more revolutions or strokes per minute result in a higher volume of fluid being displaced by the pump.
  2. Decreasing Speed:
    • Conversely, when the pump speed decreases, the flow rate decreases accordingly. The pump is displacing a smaller volume of fluid per unit of time.


  • The relationship described assumes that the pump operates under ideal conditions, and other factors, such as pressure, temperature, and efficiency, remain constant.
  • Actual flow rates may be affected by the system’s pressure requirements, pump efficiency, and the presence of pressure compensators or other control mechanisms.
  • Pump speed adjustments are often used to control the output of hydraulic systems and match the flow rate to the specific requirements of the application.
  • It’s important to consult the pump’s technical documentation or contact the manufacturer for specific displacement values and speed limitations associated with the A10VSO31 Series Pump.

In summary, the flow rate in a hydraulic system with an A10VSO31 Series Pump is directly proportional to the pump speed, given a constant displacement value. Adjusting the pump speed allows for control over the flow rate to meet the demands of the hydraulic system.